During our long run I had some negative thoughts creep into my mind. "I can't imagine running 19 more miles after this run." I immediately pushed that thought out of my mind and told myself, "You're going to build mileage just like you did for the half. You CAN do this!" Running is such a mental thing (with a love/hate relationship)!
August 3
Rest/Travel Day
August 4
4.04 miles in 45 minutes
August 5
August 6
August 7
4.43 miles in 45 minutes
August 8
7 miles in 1:17:50
August 9
Got to run with Em on my Birthday!
Week 6 of Goofy training complete, 22 weeks to go!
What's new with you this week?
That's all for now!
You are so right about the mentality! Gotta fight those negative thoughts! Jess over at A Little More Each Day wrote a great post about that today!
Thanks for the link to that post, definitely inspirational!