Sunday, March 29, 2015

Weekly Workouts March 21-28

So the most exciting news this week came on Wednesday when I found out that I got into Marine Corps Marathon!! My cousin also got in and I am so excited to be there when he runs his first marathon. I booked my hotel and everything (a bunch of the room blocks had already sold out and I freaked out and quickly researched the course map, metro stops etc. and booked a room).

I did my first run over the 10K distance since the Princess Half, which was 5 weeks ago. It was a beautiful day with temps in the 70's, but I could tell that my body isn't used to running in those temps yet. My legs were still recovering from the 10K race I ran on Saturday, they felt like lead! Amazingly, the speed workout I did the next day felt incredible! I'm signed up for a 5K next weekend and am hoping to PR and cross another 2015 goal off of my list. 

March 21
Shamrock 10K 51:19 (race recap)

March 22
20 minutes bike, Full Body Workout

March 23
3.05 miles in 30 minutes, Circuit workout

March 24

February 25

March 26
8 miles in 1:17:46

March 27
7 x 800m @ 7:30-7:42 pace

March 28

It's been awhile since I've done a countdown:
33 days until OCMD Half
209 days until Marine Corps Marathon
284 days until Disney World Marathon Weekend

That's all for now!


  1. Congrats on getting into MCM! I've heard such awesome things about it.

    1. Thank you Jennifer! I am really excited for the experience because I have heard so many great things about it too.
