Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 10

My work schedule last week was not conducive to my training schedule so therefore I had to run 3 out of four days.

Day 1- Nov 4th

After work I headed to the gym to meet Em so that we could do our first 30 minute run of the week. I ate some graham crackers and  half a pack of Clif Shot Blocks and hydrated with water. It took a couple intervals to feel good. My legs were tired from being on my feet for almost 15 hours. Once I got into the run I was super motivated (I think my music helped). I ran between 5.6-6.0 mph for my running intervals. 

Total: 3.84 miles in 51 minutes

I love that it's light out when I go into work because of the time change, but hate that it's pitch dark before I even leave the hospital.

Day 2- Nov 5th

On Tuesday I broke one of the rules of training by running two days in a row. I wasn't sore from my run on Monday so I wasn't too hesitant about it. I decided I was feeling good enough to try the 4:1 run-walk interval. Overall it felt good and I could definitely tell it made me work harder as I was a lot more sweaty by the end :) I ran between 5.5-5.7 mph and walked 3.5 mph.

Total: 3.91 in 51 minutes

Day 3- Nov 7th

Thursday we ran outside. We were both tired from the start, but tried our best to power through as we rode the struggle bus. It was cold and windy when we first started, but by the time our warm-up was finished the wind died down. I can handle cold, but cold and windy is not my thing at all. Neither of us got our runner's high during this run. We would get very small bursts of energy, but they wouldn't last at all. This was pretty frustrating for both of us :/ We did the 4:1 interval for this run too.We decided to just be positive at the end and see it as another training run finished. We knew from the beginning that not every run would be sunshine and rainbows. 

4 miles: 45:23
Total: 5.4 miles in 1 hour 12 min

We officially have all of the pieces to our costumes for the race. When I say costume I use that word loosely. We are using a color palette in our running clothes to portray characters. I'm excited to reveal this after Christmas :)

This weekend I worked a dreaded 3 shifts in a row. The thing I hate most about working 3 in a row is not working out any of those days. I always feel like a slug by day 3. I was so excited to get back to running and the gym yesterday!

That's all for now!

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