Monday, April 13, 2015

Weekly Workouts April 5-12

Not too much went on this past week. My run on Easter felt terrible. My legs were absolutely dead from the 5K the day prior. I was surprised at how long it took me to recover from that race, but I gave my legs the rest they needed. I've really been trying to focus on nutrition and sleep lately. I've been getting adequate sleep over the past week or so and it makes such a difference.

Lately, my sweet tooth has been out of control, especially at work! I've been eating dessert impulsively and some of it isn't even dessert I really care for! I stocked up on some Luna Protein bars to curb the cravings (I think they have too much sugar in them, but I figure it's better than eating cake or cookies). I'm trying to wean myself off of these bad habits so that when I start my taper for the Ocean City Half at the beginning of next week it won't be such a shock to my body.

April 5
2.7 miles in 26:32

April 6

April 7
Full Body Workout
4 x 400 m, Total: 1.3 miles in 11:20

April 8

April 9

April 10
10 miles in 1:32:46

April 11
15 minutes bike, Full Body Workout, 1 mile on Lateral Elliptical

April 12
30 minutes Lateral Elliptical, Push-ups, 15 minutes bike

Only 1 long run left in this training cycle! I can't believe race day is less than 3 weeks away! I'm both nervous and excited to try and go sub-2 in the half marathon distance. 

Tomorrow is early registration for DVC/AP holders for WDW Marathon Weekend, anyone signing up? Which race/races are you going to run?  
I'm still not sure what I'm going to sign up for!

That's all for now!

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